30+ and thriving ! “ My journey into marriage”

To be honest, I never imagined this would be my life. As we say in Islam, we have our plans, but God is the best planner.

Our ‘nikka’

Here are some lessons I’ve learned about marriage so far.

Dear Young Men and Women: Embrace Your Journey!

Don’t let societal pressures rush you into marriage. It’s a profound commitment that demands knowledge, wisdom, and patience. First and foremost, you must understand yourself before you can truly understand your partner.

Knowing who you are helps you establish personal boundaries and ground rules, which ultimately shapes how you will be treated by your spouse.

The Beauty of Compatibility

Marriage can be a wonderful experience if your visions align and you share similar life goals. Instead of marrying “up” or “down,” seek a partner who complements you. This harmony can lead to a blissful partnership. Otherwise, you might find yourself in a cycle of frustration and tears—what we affectionately call “character development” in Kenya. Remember, marriage can challenge your character, so ensure you’re well-equipped for this journey. Patience and resilience are key!

The Future of Your Family

When searching for a partner, consider this: the person you marry will likely be the future father or mother of your children. Ask yourself—would you want your kids to have this person as a role model? If the answer is no, it might be time to rethink your choices. Your future children will thank you for making the right decision.

Until next time, adios, my wonderful people! ✌🏾