Hey there good people!
For the past few months, I’ve been in a bit of a back-and-forth with myself about what my next post should be. Remember when I said this space is like therapy for me? It still is. So, I don’t just write for the sake of it; I write when something stirs my soul—whether it’s excitement or a nagging thought that won’t let me rest.

Ever sat down and thought about life and everything that matters in it? Just recently a campus roommate passed away, tho we lost touch after uni, 3 years to date, it took me to a certain space, made me re-evaluate certain things. #RIPDORIS.
When you die who is going to mourn you for days, months, years, or maybe forever? yes its creepy but I think it’s very important to ask ourselves these questions.The people who you will leave a dark mark on when you are gone; when they can’t hear your annoying voice anymore or annoying texts, those my friends, are all that matter. We need to appreciate them when we are still breathing because, I am telling you for free the rest of the people who you party with will barely even attend your burial let alone Mourn your death. Most of them only care when it’s convenient to them.
If you ever felt alone remember there is always that one person that holds you deeply, find them and appreciate them back. Try Making an impact in their lives, help when you can, listen when they need an ear, make memories with them and remember, that is all that you will leave behind when you are gone.
A toast to my family that loves me deeply and will hurt when am hurt, I love you and will always love you, and to the friends that we have forged a bond, I heart you simply because we mean something to each other and to my family that I grieve for to date, I do remember you and still wish you were here with us.