I’ve been taking a trip down memory lane, revisiting my old blog posts to see where my head was at over the years. It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 7 years since I opened up this space. Looking back, I realize it’s about time I start giving this blog the same level of attention I give everything else that matters in my life. It deserves that, and so do you.
So, why did I start this blog in the first place? I think I’ve finally figured it out. I wanted this to be more than just a collection of words—it’s a journal, a place where I can pour out my thoughts and invite you to step into my world. I wanted this to be a space where we could laugh together, cry together, reason things out, and maybe even learn a thing or two along the way. Nothing too serious—just a regular girl sharing her musings with some of the coolest people out here. Yes, that’s you. If you’re here, know you’re the real MVP. You’re my kind of cool.
Over these years, I’ve grown, I’ve changed, and I’d like to think I’ve leveled up. So, welcome to Saida 2.0—an upgraded version of the campus girl who started this journey. Get ready, because I’m bringing more well-seasoned reads your way. And yes, I’ll continue to beat my own drum, because if I don’t, who will? 😜
That’s it for today—a quick update on where we are and a promise to you that I’ll be here more often, sharing and connecting. Until next time, adios! ✌🏾