Work, school +social life?? Congratulations you are a superhero ๐Ÿ‘‘




If there is anyone I respect out here is a woman or man that does this three things perfectly well and manages to stay sane, Beginning of 2018 was hard for me, I was just off a long relationship, long is an understatement I wish there was a word that could describe how extensive I felt the relationship was. Anyway, In 2018 I decided I was going to focus on finding out exactly what my purpose in life is, still am but less aggressive,.

I was keen on reading books that I felt would give me answers, I started yoga and meditating which I stopped in the middle of the year, “middle life crisis” if am allowed to use that term at 26 years.

My 2018 has just been a roller coaster but I have had my ‘aha’ moments as well, decided it was about time I paid that tuition fees for my masters, yes your guess was right my first sentence of this piece is inspired by the fact that I went back to school and it has been horribly difficult. At some point, i have contemplated quitting but the Kikuyu in me won’t let my money go down the drain.

You see change is the most hated thing by human and am very human. School isn’t easy at all and so is adjusting my life from getting home at 6, making myself a good dinner and having some quality time with my pet and friends over the weekends to getting home at 9, eating takeouts or no dinner at all, to classes on weekends and most of the time worrying about an assignment or exam and not forgetting still getting those COB emails from work that I am obligated to reply to.

Anyways, who am I to complain? people will kill to have such a life right? I know i might sound ungrateful but seriously I wish someone had prepared me mentally for what i was signing up for before I did. Growing up was a trap

Let me continue pushing till the wheels fall off

Love and soo much love โค๏ธ

until next time, adios!!!